UU Media Collaborative - Dragonfly - Sept 19, 2012

Yesterday a few of us launched a new project on Facebook, a group called “The UU Media Collaborative.”  The group is described as follows:

The UU Media Collaborative is a space for Unitarian Universalists to collaborate on the production of freely available and sharable visual graphics, images, videos and other resources. We hope to encourage collaborations between UU graphic designers, photographers, videographers, graphic artists and other creative minds. Interested in sharing the ideals of Unitarian Universalism visually? Join us!
Coming together in a new spirit of collaboration, members started sharing resources for free stock photos,  then sources for UU quotes.   Then POW!  The following UU Media Collaborative works resulted.   We’ll be figuring out a vehicle for making the groups works easy to follow and share, with clear use guidelines. UPDATE: We’ve launched a Facebook page for sharing images created by the UU Media Collaborative. Like to get new content you can share with your congregation and beyond!
You may join the group at  http://www.facebook.com/groups/uumedia
Get content via Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/UUMedia

UU Media Collaborative - Ballet Sept 19, 2012